Art Studio Remodel – It’s a Process

Half-way there

How exciting to finally have workspace that’s 8′ long x 3′ deep. I can keep brushes and pencils out, along with an iPod player, desk lamp, projector and laptop. I’m wired up with a great new camera – Sony Nex-3 that I got at a discount because the new models are about to come out.
All on one big desktop, I can download photos, edit them, project them onto canvas or paper, practice my presentations and create and update all my blogs.  Plus it’s a perfect place to have two or three collages going at a time. It’s 37″ high, so I can stand up, which is the best way to drop acrylic ink, and, of course, dance! Underneath I have shelves to lay wet canvases, plus four big file drawers that hold supplies and a few files.

A few things left to do:
1 -Get the brick mold up on the walls.  This would have been done, but it’s going to need to extend out from the wall about a half inch so the paintings can lean a bit against the wall.  I’m still deciding where I want it placed.
2 -Order the “feel good” daylight lights, and get them installed.  Not cheap, but necessary.  I’ve never had really appropriate lighting anywhere in my house.  So I’m starting with the studio, and over time will put things right in the rest of the house.
3 -Install a raceway for powercords along the back of the worktable.
4 -Find a 3′ x’4′ mirror to hang over the chest of drawers.
So, there’s your update.

Eye on the New Year

Eye on the New Year

Eyes are so much fun to paint that I just want to do that.  But the eye only shows its full glory in relationship to what’s around it.   In this new year, may your own glory be revealed in the company of friends, lovers and family.


The Power of Gifts

Early Success

What is so important about gifting? You may think it’s a cool way to get your feelings across, or perhaps you’re just doing what’s expected.  My opinion is that it’s not about you at all.  Here’s a story of what happened when one of my commissions was received as a gift.

Recently I did an acrylic painting of a fruit stand.  Pretty mundane, right?  But the man who commissioned it asked for a lot of things to be in it. He was giving it as a gift to his very successful realtor for the fine service she provided on the sale of his home.  He had remembered a story she told of growing up in Fredericksburg Virginia and having a profitable fruit stand with her shy sister. So he wanted her name, the place, the sister peeking out from behind the shack, and, of course, the fruit. Together we named it “Early Success” and agreed it was the perfect title.

He tells me that upon presentation of his beautifully wrapped gift, she was extremely touched and amazed that someone would acknowledge her in this way. but once she saw the details of the painting with her hometown’s name nestled in between the flower pots, and her name across the top of the fruit stand, she broke down with emotion. Then she saw her sister peeking out from behind the stand and saw herself doing business behind the fruit and flowers. It was a wonderful moment for both giver and receiver.

So, what’s the real power of this gift? …..ACKNOWLEDGMENT!……  He had actually listened to her and remembered her story. This painting was a way of acknowledging her “Early Success” as well as showing appreciation for who she is today. Every time she sees that painting she will be reminded of who she really is.

As artists, we worry about how “good” our painting is, both technically and aesthetically. Our real gift is that our work acknowledges others in a way nothing else can. A picture really can be worth more than those thousand words.

So I’m back in the studio every day with the joy of painting ever present in my life. If I’m happy, my paintings will show it and can bring you joy.  What about you?  What are your plans for your artistic endeavors in the new year?

Happy Holiday blessings and love to you all.