Here are some recent photos of the new studio.
Note that there are lateral shelves between the workspace and file cabinets – great for drying paintings. I need to work on three at a time or I overwork them (as you know).
The closet already had vertical shelves – for big paintings on one side and smaller ones on the other.
But I removed the doors and put up a shower curtain – easy and cheap.
Determining where to put the rails took a while, but most of my paintings are in the 16 x 20 category and these work great. My pro photographer friend came over and helped me point the lights just right for photographing these on the workspace. More about the lights later when I have time to look everything up for you. They use very little juice and aren’t as hot as I expected.
I did get two gel mats from Bed,Bath and Beyond, which are a huge help. Hardwood floors look nice, but they feel awful.
So, that’s the scoop! The summer light comes in at an angle in the afternoon and evening, so it’s great.
Looks great! Paint! Paint! Paint!…………Sell Sell Sell Proud of you and Congrat’s for being in the Juried Art Show.